Some people believe, tattoo pictures affect certain fortune. As the koi fish tattoo is regarded as the symbol of fortune. Koi fish tattoo on their body will bring them to the larger and full of happiness. For Chinese ethnic, koi fish tattoo is hope fortune and prosperity.
Koi fish is a sacred animal in China and the trust of the nation of Japan, is very significant when compared with the Dragon, Phoenix, and Hong birds.
Koi fish tattoo is unique, people who want tattoos koi fish, usually do consultation first to be able to calculate the temperature of the Hong Sui.
According Djohan, a tattoo artist, koi tattoo need to be made in detail. To draw a line koi should consider scale, color used, so it resembles the original form. In general, the color and the most preferred customers Djohan is red, yellow, orange, and black.
In a sign or semiotics, a sign language or in the form of symbols can have meaning in social life. No sign, except that there is in the form of tattoos.
Not only because it is a symbol of luck, that will affect public awareness Koi tattoo lovers. There are three other factors that affect this belief. These factors is a knowledge of koi, koi myths that accompany, and incidents of daily life experienced by those who believe this.
Belief that brings fortune koi come through tradition, that makes people believe and interpret the koi's story of moral message.
There is an ancient Chinese legend, which tells how the koi that succeeded in rising to fall at one point called Dragon Gate (on the Yellow River (Sungai Kuning), will become a dragon. According to legend, he became a symbol of the aspirations and progress. Koi tattoo, especially when using the combination with water, it symbolizes: the courage, the ability to achieve high goals, and overcome the difficulties of life.
By using the koi fish tattoos, then someone will always remind struggle koi fish that is trying to become a Dragon-they try and work hard to achieve success.
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