Sunday, January 10, 2010



medium: mixed media
airbrush and conventional brushed acrylics
on wood panel
airbrush: evolution
paints: hansa pro colors
dimensions: 24 inches x 18 inches (61 cm x 46 cm)

encounter - verb - to unexpectedly experience or be faced with something difficult or potentially hostile .....

i usually paint in a series to explore an idea thouroughly, so "encounter" is the progression from "crossroads" in expounding on the idea that if we have indeed reached a "crossroad" with regard to our co-existense with our fellow inhibitants of this earth such as a polar bear, then what will we be able to report should we "encounter" that polar bear - can we say "sorry, but we´re going to do better" or will it just be; "sorry - you´re on your own"?

copyright © 2010 j. w. baker / wolf song studio

persoenlich erstellter text von j. w. baker am 11.01.2010
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers j. w. baker

j. w. baker und

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