Claudia Vaz
Friday, April 30, 2010
Claudia Vaz, desenho animado, 195
Claudia Vaz
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tatuagens de Pedro Martins, Reino Unido
true fire tonne

true fire oelfass
pistolen: h&s evolution, sata minijet
farben: autolack
fuer 360° animation link klicken
joerg suessmann sub-arts airbrush imaging
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Priscila Nascimento, reprodução de Laura Costa, 194
Priscila Nascimento
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
ALF - Age Sensitive Tattoo
Monday, April 26, 2010
3d Famous Painting of Devil Illusion Design

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Female Soccer Body Painting
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tiger Tattoos

Tribal tiger tattoos are common and one of the most popular forms even today. The tiger is a very powerful symbol and is a very well loved image in Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, India, China, Japan and Malaysia. The tiger is basically associated with great power, beauty, speed and even ferocious behavior. There are various reasons

why one may use tribal tiger tattoo designs, it could be to sport a symbol of power or it could be for religious reasons.

Chinese Dragon Tattoos

The dragon boom architecture makes a different and able claimed account for the alone who chooses it for self-expression in anatomy art.And the Chinese dragon boom is absolutely awesome.The Chinese dragon has been a attribute of ability and mystery
The acceptation of Chinese dragon tattoo
In medieval Europe, the dragon was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its crime and acuteness addled alarm in all. But in Asia, the dragon is the contrary. The boss dragon is a allegorical barbarian continued acclaimed for its benevolence, intelligence and acceptable will, which can assure us and accord us acceptable luck!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pretty Age Sensitive Tattoo
Example Age Sensitive Tattoo
Processamentos de Materiais Cirúrgicos
Vídeo do Modulo I Processamentos de Materiais Cirúrgicos Complexos
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Skeetch Book de Maurício Bastos
Clique em: Save file to your PC: click here.
Clique em: Save file to your PC: click here.
Darlan, carpa Free Hand, 193
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Agulhas esterilizadas
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
hellboy guillermo del toro hommage

malgrund: guardi artistico bristol
zeichenkarton 615 g/m2
480 mm x 630 mm auf 500 mm x 650 mm
farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 teil farbe/7 teile wasser
airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese
arno schaetzle
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt
airbrush step by step info

new airbrush magazine in english language
“airbrush step by step” contains detailed how to descriptions of all kinds of airbrush illustrations, custom painting, bodypainting and further airbrush use. read about events and news from the european airbrush scene, tips from experts as well as reports on airbrush jobs and projects.
these are the topics of the latest edition 02/10:
a photorealistic self portrait by marissa oosterlee
a step by sfor custom painting on a harley tank
a part of the “custom painting classroom” series by dennis mathewson
if you want to publish your own works you can send in a how to description of one of your projects or one of your most beautiful pictures for the reader’s gallery.
have lots of fun!
Pedro Leal, Celta Triskle, 192
- nascimento, vida e morte,
- corpo, mente e espirito,
- céu, mar e terra.
Foi feita em Portugal, no estúdio, Lisboa Ink. É a minha segunda tatuagem e estou pensando em fazer mais. Gostaria muito que a publicasse.
Até breve."
Pedro Leal